
A fellowship concludes

Looking back

It is hard to believe that my time as a Reproducible Research Fellow is over. I am most grateful for this program giving me a dedicated space in which to learn, a community with which to engage, and language with which to arm myself. I have been exposed to issues in open science that I had never encountered before, and have had the priviledge of discussing these issues with people from across the world. I will miss the journal clubs the most!

Our shared conversations inspired me to include an analysis of open science practices within my field in a forthcoming publication. This analysis would not have been possible without the knowledge that I gained as a fellow. This program was also my first opportunity to contribute to an open source project, by workshopping docs and writing a Google Colab tutorial for the frictionless Python framework. To conclude my fellowship, I co-presented on Frictionless Data tools at csv,conf.

I thoroughly enjoyed this 9-month debut into the worlds of open data, open source, and open access.


Looking forward

This fall, I will start my PhD in Computer Science. I intend to remain active in the open science community as a doctoral student and throughout my scientific career. I will continue contributing to open source projects in my data science, machine learning, and software engineering communities. I will forever be vocal about standards of transparency and reproducibility in science. I hope to help clarify and strengthen these standards within my research community, as we face our own reproducibility crisis in machine learning for biomedical applications [1][2][3][4].

Thank you to everyone at the Open Knowledge Foundation for this formative and truly pleasurable opportunity!