
Digital Doctor Data Diagnosis

In our last blog post, we learned how - and more importantly - why - to create data packages for your research data. But even properly packaged data can be in need of some ole’ fashioned wrangling before its ready to be shared. Well written metadata won’t save you from the perils of duplicate rows or missing headers, for example.

Personally I can think of few worse ways to spend time than manually combing data tables for formatting inconsistencies. It’s the digital equivalent of being given a pile of old books and being asked to hunt for missing pages.

(Cue cold sweat)

Frictionless has a GUI-based web application created for this express purpose. It takes in tabular data, optionally with metadata attached, and scans for these sneaky little errors. If all looks good - it validates your data! Else, you get a message describing the error and location. However, to understand what goes on under the hood a little better, we’re going to play with the Frictionless Python library directly, which you can learn more about here .

For this exercise, I used csv containing input parameters for calculating enteric fermentation, pulled from the IPPC 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories , which gives crop specific values necessary for calculating emissions. This csv was manually created by a collaborator and looks pretty clean upon initial visual inspection. Lets check it out below:

>>> with open('crop_factors2.csv') as file: print(
Generic Grains,0.006,0.009,1.3,0.22,0.88,1
Winter Wheat,0.006,0.009,1.3,0.23,0.89,0.9
Spring Wheat,0.006,0.009,1.3,0.28,0.89,0.9
Beans and Pulses,0.008,0.008,2.1,0.19,0.91,1
Potatoes and Tubers,0.019,0.014,0.4,0.2,0.22,1
Non-legume hay,0.015,0.012,0,0.54,0.9,1
N-fixing forages,0.027,0.022,0.3,0.4,0.9,1
Non-N-fixing forages,0.015,0.012,0.3,0.54,0.9,1
Perennial Grasses,0.015,0.012,0.3,0.8,0.9,1
Grass-Clover Mixtures,0.025,0.016,0.3,0.8,0.9,1

No screaming red flags so lets generate a schema to describe the data! This can be done with the function /describe/.

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from frictionless import describe
>>> resource = describe('crop_factors2.csv')
>>> pprint(resource)
{'encoding': 'utf-8',
 'format': 'csv',
 'hashing': 'md5',
 'layout': {'headerRows': [2]},
 'name': 'crop_factors2',
 'path': 'crop_factors2.csv',
 'profile': 'tabular-data-resource',
 'schema': {'fields': [{'name': 'Other', 'type': 'string'},
                       {'name': '0.008', 'type': 'number'},
                       {'name': '0.009', 'type': 'number'},
                       {'name': '1', 'type': 'number'},
                       {'name': '0.22', 'type': 'number'},
                       {'name': '0.85', 'type': 'number'},
                       {'name': '12', 'type': 'number'}]},
 'scheme': 'file'}

Hmm… the memory isn’t great these days, but I just looked at the csv and don’t remember any column named ‘0.008’, so lets use the function /validate/ to target pain points in the data.

>>> report = validate('crop_factors2.csv')
>>> pprint(report.flatten(["rowPosition", "fieldPosition", "code"]))
[[None, 7, 'duplicate-label']]

And, error! Frictionless generates a tailored error message you can parse out in the documentation. I searched for “duplicate-label” and got this information back:

Code: duplicate-label 
Description: Two columns in the header row have the same value. Column names should be unique.

A quick peek at the format of my header - the column names revealed themselves to be separated by quotation marks (“) instead of commas (,) (wow obvious now that I look at it). Gave the data a quick manual renovation and then hit it with validate a second time.

>>> from frictionless import validate
>>> report = validate('crop_factors2.csv') 
>>> pprint(report.flatten(["rowPosition", "fieldPosition", "code"]))

Look at that empty error bracket!! Beautiful. Now that we’re ready to describe the data again, so we can validate the data against it’s schema.

>>> resource2 = describe('crop_factors2.csv')
>>> pprint(resource2)
{'encoding': 'utf-8',
 'format': 'csv',
 'hashing': 'md5',
 'name': 'crop_factors2',
 'path': 'crop_factors2.csv',
 'profile': 'tabular-data-resource',
 'schema': {'fields': [{'name': 'crop', 'type': 'string'},
                       {'name': 'n_ag', 'type': 'number'},
                       {'name': 'n_bg', 'type': 'number'},
                       {'name': 'r_ag_t', 'type': 'number'},
                       {'name': 'rs_t', 'type': 'number'},
                       {'name': 'dry', 'type': 'number'},
                       {'name': 'cf', 'type': 'number'}]},
 'scheme': 'file'}

With the header discrepancy fixed, the schema seems to be in acceptable shape now, but could use a little bit more detail. This can be done in a text editor, or directly with frictionless.

>>> package = describe("crop_factors2.csv")
>>> package.title = "Life Cycle Analysis Crop Factors"
>>> package.description = "crop factors for entric fermentation calculations for life cycle analysis" 
>>> package.get_resource("crop_factors2").name = "crop factors"

These commands allow me to update the package description and title, for example. Inside the metadata file that looks like:

description: crop factors for entric fermentation calculations for life cycle analysis
encoding: utf-8
format: csv
hashing: md5
name: crop factors
path: crop_factors2.csv
profile: tabular-data-resource
    - name: crop
      title: Crop or forage type (T)
      type: string
    - name: n_ag
      title: Nitrogen content of above ground residues for crop T (kg N) 
      type: number
    - name: n_bg
      title: Nitrogen content of below ground residues for crop T (kg N)
      type: number
    - name: r_ag_t
      title: Ratio of above-ground residue dry mattere to harvested yild for crop T (kg d.m. ha)
      type: number
    - name: rs_t
      title: ratio of below-ground root biomass to above-ground shooot biomass for crop T, (kg d.m.ha)
      type: number
    - name: dry
      title: Dry matter fraction of harvestedd product
      type: number
    - name: cf
      title: Combustion factor (dimensionless)
      type: number
scheme: file
title: Life Cycle Analysis Crop Factors

Finally happy with the outcome, we can now validate the data once more, together with its metadata file.

>>> from frictionless import Resource
>>> resource = Resource("crop.yaml")
>>> print(resource.metadata_valid)

True! Sweet sweet boolean music to my ears. I can now confidently put this data into our model, publish it in a public repository, or pass it on to collaborators without feeling like a jerk. While packaging and validation can feel like the data equivalent of doing taxes, they’re incredibly important steps in the data lifecycle. They allow data to be useable and reproducible, and really, what is research if you can’t reproduce it!